The way to get and keep your horse free of stomach ulcers starts here!


The natural solution for stomach ulcers in horses. Doping free.

Adapted to the needs of your horse.

Ponease Stomach Ulcer Treatment

Natural products for the treatment and prevention of stomach ulcers, adapted to the needs of your horse

All products are available in our webshop

A suitable product for every horse

allow your horse to be the best version of itself

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Test reports

If you regularly take your horse to (international) competitions, no worries! All products are approved by the IEC, NOPs tested and contain no prohibited substances. Ponease is in accordance with FEI & Jockey Club rules, racing & competition safe and veterinary approved.

Ponease is happy to share this information! View the full reports on our dedicated web page.

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Ponease applies a film to the stomach wall and in this way allows the natural action of the stomach acid while healing the stomach wall. Stomach acid kills bacteria and digests food before it reaches the intestines. Ponease allows this natural process, while the stomach wall is protected against the damage of (splashing) stomach acid, stinging stems in the hay/lucerne/concentrates, stress,...

However, during movement (including while driving), stomach acid splashes against the upper part of the stomach wall (the squamous part). However, this gland-poor part of the stomach is not protected against stomach acid, causing stomach ulcers and pain.

Product specifications

What are stomach ulcers

Horses produce stomach acid 24 hours a day. Only if they can constantly eat roughage, graze and/or eat enough hay, the stomach acid is usually sufficiently buffered. In some cases when the stomach acid in the stomach is insufficiently buffered, this stomach acid attacks the intestinal wall. This often happens when horses move, walk, jump, are ridden, or are transported. The stomach acid splashes up in the stomach and causes "wounds" on the stomach wall. These are stomach ulcers.

How do stomach ulcers develop in horses?

Stomach ulcers often occur when horses eat too little roughage during transport, during stress, during competitions or in other situations. Some horses have a "natural predisposition" to develop stomach ulcers, just as there are people who are more likely to experience stomach problems.

According to various good sources, on average 50% of recreational horses and up to 90% of sport horses have stomach ulcers. Often not known by the owner / rider, but with a major influence on the behavior and performance of these horses.

Causes of stomach ulcers in horses

Stomach ulcers can be caused by, among other things:

    too rich and fresh grass, a lot of sugar stress when using medication to treat injuries and/or diseases. Painkillers and antibiotics can destabilize the stomach, deworming, air sucking, and pain in general. This can be caused by various causes: toothache, dental problems, pain from saddle and harness, ... an empty stomach

Symptoms that may indicate that a horse has stomach ulcers include:

    poor/reduced condition poorer performance when riding and at competition stops for jumping obstacles long(er) recovery after exertion lethargy dull coat less appetite weight loss frequent gaping teeth grinding colic, which in many cases regularly recurs regular diarrhea difficult to handle and while riding pain when girding pain, causing horses to bite and bite being sullen when putting on and taking off the blanket, pain when touching the abdomen, depressive behavior, air sucking, crib biting

According to various good sources, on average 30% to 50% of foals and young horses and 60% - 90% of adult sport horses have gastric ulcers. Often not known by the owner / rider, but they do have a major influence on the behavior, condition and performance of these horses.

Ponease is a manufacturer that has developed highly effective products to treat and prevent stomach ulcers. These products have been officially tested and their effectiveness has been proven based on experimental research.

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We try to present our products as clearly as possible - but stomach ulcers are complicated enough as it is.

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